Thursday, 5 February 2009


Dollhouse miniatures come in many shapes, sizes, materials and themes and if you are thinking about starting out in the doll house hobby it is important that you get as much information as possible about doll houses.

First of all most doll houses and made to scale. The main scale that houses are made to is twelfth scale; they are twelve times smaller than in real life. The majority of doll houses and doll house furniture is made to this scale and unless you are looking for the type of doll house that will fit Barbie sized dolls it is best to stick to this scale.

Wooden doll houses tend to be made from one of two woods, MDF or plywood. There are benefits to both these woods:

MDF is a man made wood compressed from sawdust and glue. It is good for doll houses because it provides a very smooth surface for painting, is very strong and durable and can be cut into most shapes. The disadvantage however is that is it a man made wood and the fact that it doesn’t have a wood grain and is somewhat fake does put some people off.
Plywood is much thinner than MDF and not as durable. Decorative dolls house with lots of small parts and fancy trim tend to be made from plywood and these are more for collectors than children. With plywood you will always see the grain of the wood even when painted and the surface can be rough. Many highly detailed collectors houses are made from plywood and when completed they are really beautiful.

Many doll houses are based on a theme like Victorian or Tudor style. This is very nice as you can focus your doll house towards one period in time and furnish it sympathetically.

Dollhouse miniatures also come in many forms. You could make your doll house from scratch from a plan, build it from a kit or purchase a fully finished doll house that you need do nothing to.

Did you know that you can actually get real working lights for your doll house? A simple electric circuit can be fitted around your dolls house and you can connect working wall and ceiling lights and even standard lamps.

When it comes to decorating your dolls house there are lots of methods you can use. You can paint, wallpaper, tile and carpet pretty much as you do in your own house. You can purchase or make your own wallpaper and decorations.

Information Get From Site : Dollhouse Miniature Club

袖珍藝術品一詞英文為 Miniature Arts 或 Dollhouse 它源自16世紀德國宮廷貴族,至今己在歐美流行近四百多年的歷史(從歐美影片中小孩房間常可看到娃娃屋的蹤影),而鄰近日本也己相當流行(迷你電視冠軍秀),而在台灣則由前台灣日光燈董事長林文仁夫婦從國外引進,在台北建立了袖珍博物館才開始與國人見面,而 Miniature 一詞也翻譯成較有中國文化內函的名詞-袖珍,從此台灣便以袖珍藝術稱之。



現存最古老之櫥櫃式娃娃屋-德國1639年的 Stromer baby house,當時的貴族大多用來炫耀自己的身份地位與財富。

1670年因貴族之間通婚的關係,娃娃屋由德國傳入荷蘭,在荷蘭發展出有門之櫥櫃式娃娃屋 Dutch Cabinet。

德國到英國、貴族到平民娃娃屋在發源地的德國叫做 Puppenhaus,在荷蘭稱為 Poppenhuis,18世紀娃娃屋傳入英國,英國人按照字義直接翻譯為 Doll’House 或Baby House,19紀傳入美國之後,美國人改口稱為 Doll House,之後更進一步將兩個單字結合,變成一個複合字,稱為 Dollhouse。娃娃屋在傳入英國之後,終於走出了貴族的城堡大門,走入民間成為一項大眾都喜愛的家庭嗜好。


德國紐倫堡地區作了許多以廚房為主題的 Roomset(只有四個面),即為現代 Roombox(夢幻屋盒)的前身,為一種教育性的玩具,用來教導孩童如何去整理家務。







1 comment:

  1. Small ceiling lights are very useful for a home that have less space. Your site is very useful for me that provide some tips related to ceiling lights.
