A new courses start immediately for beginner.
袖珍娃娃屋製作課程正式開始, 以下作品供參考, 教學包括木工技巧, 初學者應知資訊, 簡易作品設計等.

Courses learn include 3 sets of furniture, miniature accessories as photo above, floor & wall design. 課程學習全包括如以上作品配件, 3 件傢俱, 地板和牆面設計.

All materials are included for this course; tools are ready by learner. 此課程包括製作材料, 而製作工具是由學者自行準備.

Course fee: RM 320.00 per pax. 課程費用: RM 320.00 / 一人.
* For those with 2 persons join the course will give special offer with fee RM 280.00; 4 persons with fee RM 250.00.
* 特別優惠給予學者及朋友們一起報名參與的 2 名以上只需 RM 280.00 一人; 4 名以上只需 RM 250.00 一人.
Please contact me for those interesting on the course:
email address 郵箱地址: este_hew@yahoo.com
msn: esteehew@hotmail.com